Wednesday, October 9, 2024

ひつじ雲の帰り道 by Itodome

 Another purchase entirely made on the cover alone. I was entirely unfamiliar with Itodome (いとどめ), though there is some pretty good stuff to be found on their skeb profile.  It's a sort of slightly unpolished style, the anatomy is occasionally a bit shaky but I really dig the painterly, almost watercolor feel most of their (digital, I assume) works have. Subject is, for the most part, the usual fare; consisting of fanart, chicks, and... umm, planes? Cool stuff nonetheless.

ひつじ雲の帰り道  (literally, "the cumulonimbus' return home") is a nice little yuri manga from 2021's Winter Comiket, 24 pages in black and white - which, in this case, fits the overall sepia aesthetics of the cover art. The story is a well worn yuri trope: teacher and pupil fall in love, omg scandalous, they reunite once the student is no longer jailbait. We are fully within the canon, with no real risks taken with the story, but Itodome's drawing style, flowy as the genre commands (to the point of abstraction at times) really carries this one. Some facial expressions are a bit shaky at times, and it's not always super easy to read the action given how abstract the tract can get, but overall it's a style I still like a lot.

Not much more to say about this one. A nice little thing, definitely worth a look if you can snag a copy (good luck lol). 

ひつじ雲の帰り道 by Itodome

 Another purchase entirely made on the cover alone. I was entirely unfamiliar with Itodome (いとどめ), though there is some pretty good stuff to...