Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Big (?) Haul

It's been raining nearly non-stop for a week over here, and it's starting to show - today I couldn't shower for fear of overflows, and my garden looks pretty much like the pond I have always wanted... minus the koi. It seems, however, as if an owl might have nested down the ventilation shaft of my bathroom, as ungodly screams were heard almost nightly.

On other news, I am sad to say that Yo Soy Franky, while not having jumped the shark yet, is already showing some fatigue: since the whole 'lab wars' deal has been dropped, it's become your average teenage soap opera, nothing remarkable really. The occasionally really hammy acting doesn't help too. On the other hand, Boing is now showing Every Witch Way's second season, and it's the first legitimately fun and funny thing I've seen on Tv in a while - even better than the first season. And maybe I'm chromatically challenged, but I really dig the show's aesthetics too.

It's alternatively neon madness and pastel hell, and I unironically love both.

On other other news, another shipment from the Land of the Rising Sun came in today! Only four dōjinshi, but some stuff I've actually been hunting for a long, long time. Publications by Sayu STUDIO are usually friggin' expensive, but I managed to snag their latest for an actually humane price - it was worth every cent. Also SORA vol. 2 from じぇん, pretty hard to find (even when I was over in Japan) and a very peculiar piece of art; another Heikinritsu for my collection; and an oddball I had on my dō wishlist for a while. Reviews will, of course, come along as time permits.

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