Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Small Haul - January

JLPT didn't go as good as I had hoped... and, a usual, it's the listening section's fault. Goal for December 2017 is to improve on that side. Any pointers? I had good past experiences with a few online language exchanges platforms, otherwise I might have to resort to the good ol' pen pal system...

I've also been playing some Factorio. Not my kind of game, I'm more of a mindless MMO kind of guy, but one of the game's merit is that, for the first time since high school, I had to use equations.

Small haul for January, mostly to justify the shipping expense of Heikinritsu's new thingy, アルゴリズミック・ビューティ. So far it really feels like a パラメトリック part two, which is great as the latter was one of my favorite experiments from the circle. It also means more math talk that will simply fly over my head, but cute girls will more than make up for that.

On the right is 1000elegy 100wonders syllabus 千変挽歌百不思議 導入手引, a... very strange sort of fictional syllabus for a Battle Royale style school? lots of collage-y pages and walls of text which, fortunately, don't seem to be too far beyond my grasp. On the left, 武蔵野茶房 総集編 2, a sparse manga which, at a glance, looks like something Hitoshi Ashinano would have written.

First review will be, of course, Heikiritsu's, then followed by the others. Good stuff.

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Hardfest 3

So, here it is - Hardfest 3 , a collection of difficult maps from various Doom modders, to which I contributed two maps and a number of MIDI...