Tuesday, January 15, 2019

BrownS by ニリツハイハン

While I steer clear of openly H dōjinshi, which I find not only in poor taste but also often shoddy in layout and execution (I mean, I really don't get how an ahegao with a mess of speedlines around it could ever be erotic...), I occasionally purchase works that conjugate high production values, or an interesting visual style, with... umm, let's be generous and say, 'my personal preferences'. A case in point is the short dōjinshi I'll be reviewing this time around, which features the bullseye combination of tanned skin and short, blonde hair. Blue eyes optional, I'm not that picky*.

BrownS by ニリツ is an illustration book that, while a bit short on the page count, make up for it with excellent production values: large A4 format, full color, nice glossy paper. Each illustration is a pinup, focusing on shōjo who conjugate tanned skin tones with a variety of other desirable traits - flaxed hair, provocative swimsuits, and so on.

The subject matter, in the context of Japanese anime-style illustration, is of course as trite as it gets: in these cases, it's usually the craftsmanship that makes all the difference, and Nilitsu has plenty of skill to show. Often entirely devoid of backgrounds (though, where they are present, they are of very good design and execution), the illustrator focuses solely on the human form, which conforms to a manga aesthetics but with the added values of a keen eye for complementary color combinations; and a strong sense of shading and chiaroscuro. Every image is also accompanied by a short description detailing the creation process, and a few rough sketches are provided at the end of the book. As I mentioned, while there are a few ecchi pinups, nothing really forays into H proper.

With its only flaw being the very short page count, BrownS is a nice addition to my collection of Pixiv artists' books, and  sign that Nilitsu is someone to keep an eye on - while the subject matter is certainly not revolutionary, it's all in the execution, and they have that figured out.

*Coincidentally, I've never been in a relationship with a blonde. What a waste. 

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