Wednesday, October 21, 2020

ギルティごはん by COSMIC FORGE

 ... and it's thanks to a dōjinshi from this circle that I learned the Japanese word for 'normie'. What makes it even funnier is that has 'normie' as an actual definition. Sign of the times...

A different dōjinshi, that is. I reviewed in the past a couple of works by COSMIC FORGE, all of them rather high-quality - glossy, full color, and fallign right into that 'bizarre, specific take on a narrow otaku interest' that I dig so much. This one is no exception - ギルティごはん, a 20 pages, full color work from 2015 is dedicated to showcasing a few places in the Tokyo area where you can have your fill of, as the title says, 'guilty pleasure' meals. 

This blog is not new to food-centric circles, as I happen to be a big fan of SAYU Studio's self-published books of recipes. This is the first time, however, that I got my hands on a restaurant-reviews dōjinshi, which I know to be a rather florid subset... I simply never bought one. Still, it's a purchase I don't regret, and not only because the publication itself is rather high quality - the pictures are nice and crisp, the descriptions and field reports clear and to the point, and the horiziontal layout really brings it all together in a 'magazine insert' kind of way. 

ギルティごはん also happens to be a time capsule of sort. As globetrotting foodies might know, restaurants and eateries in Japan, big cities especially, are very short lived; and, as far as I could research, none of the places reviewed here are still standing. I might be wrong, though, as my Japanese Google-fu has failed me before. 

So, yeah, not much to say beyond this. Still, a nice interesting read, especially relevant if you happen to be into this kind of stuff. There is a volume 2 available as well, though I'm not sure I'll bother buying it. We'll see...

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