Tuesday, February 2, 2021

HoboNikkanAmanoShinbun Vol.02 by あまの・よ~き

 I've had since forever this bizarre habit of starting series from n°2 or later. I can't even count the novel series of which I'm missing the first volume... same goes with dōjinshi, it seems...

HoboNikkanAmanoShinbun Vol.02 is a collection of illustrations by Amano Yoki - a name you might not be familiar with, just as I wasn't when I picked up this dōjinshi based on cover alone (I'm a sucker for photography + illustration, don't ask me why). Turns out they mostly work in the ecchi / hentai genre: no serialization I could find, but a lot of one-shots in magazines and collections... stuff like  コミック魔翔, which I admit I'm not overly familiar with. A4, full b&w, clocking in at a meaty 82 pages.

Turns out, this is not 'just' a collection of illustrations, but an actual project by Amano. They set out to produce roughly one sketch a day for a full year, collecting the best inside this publication. As you might therefore expect, you won't find anything overly polished in here: Amano's daily illustrations are mostly sketches, done in a thick black line and in a rather 90s /realy 200 style, although the dōjinshi dates 2010. Mostly pinups, with a few ecchi outliers but nothing too extreme. 

There are also a few better fleshed-out illustrations in Amano's mainstream style... which I actually found slightly inferior to their sketches. The latter, for some reason, seem a lot less stiff, more lively. A brief afterword capstones the dōjinshi, but no work-in-progress or how-to section.

All in all, while the idea in itself of a 'one sketch a day' project has its merits, HoboNikkanAmanoShinbun Vol.02 still feels a bit insubstantial. There is however not only a vol.1, but even a 3 and a 4, so clearly there was some interest in the project... I might try and get my hand on one or more of them at a later date. 

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