Thursday, May 11, 2023

From today on, this blog / website / 2010s relic will expand its focus. As I have come to the conclusion that none of my single interests are broad enough in audience to warrant their own platform, going forward The Random Museum will be not just about doujinshi and the occasional art / pop culture link, but more generally all sorts of stuff that interests me.

Let's start with a new one. For those who don't know - all of you, I assume - a relatively recent interest of mine has been classic Doom modding. I did play the game way back in the day in the ballpark of its release, but lost interest to Quake 1996-something, only to find to my surprise that in the year 2021 people were still making maps for it. I had to jump on the bandwagon, of course. 

I mostly map in the limit removing / Boom - mbf21 format, mostly focusing on difficult maps and IWAD textures. I was nominated as a promising newcomer in the 2022 Cacowards, and my megawad The Box of a Thousand Demons got a honorable mention.

I participate in the bi-monthly DBP events, and you can find me on Discord should you want to contact me. I also have a entry on the Doom Wiki page. 

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Hardfest 3

So, here it is - Hardfest 3 , a collection of difficult maps from various Doom modders, to which I contributed two maps and a number of MIDI...