Friday, August 4, 2023

DBP60: Eldritch Voyage

 The new Doomer Boards Project is out, this time exploring ancient East Asian ruins and forsaken tombs. I have no less than three maps in this one - I really liked both the concept and the texture selection provided, so I went the extra mile. I also made a MIDI for one of the maps, something I'll hopefully do more often in coming projects.

There was some interesting tech at play this time as well. The respack used a series of animated, dithered bleeding midtextures to simulate deep water, a la kdikdizd. I'm usually not a fan of engine-exploiting tech, but I did get some mileage out of the effect. 

Also a very good skybox. Thelokk deep lore: skyboxes are the most important part of a Doom map, and usually the main factor whether I choose to partecipate in a project.

MAP10: 'Ossuarium Endoterre' - yup, a jab at the weakest map in one of my least favorite 'big' megawads, Ancient Aliens It's all in good fun. Tried for a more open-ended, early Sunlust-like layout, where you can access almost everything right from the start. Encouraged by MrZzul's feedback I also tried a more creative application of a secret key, which triggers a small but fun secret fight. One other secret is a tribute to a certain Sunlust map... map can be broken in one unintended way (the danger of copy pasting sectors) which I will eventually fix.

MAP12: "Sunken Garden" - a more 'traditional' map, at least from my point of view. Started as a take on 'Tricks and Traps', which is why you see all keyed doors right at the start, and the exit too. You revisit the central room a number of times, each one with more enemy spawns. There are a couple 'trick' fights, including a fraggable spidermama and some coreographed cybie infighting. 
It's a very dark map, like most of my maps. I tend to work a lot in the 128-160 range, which I really like but occasionally hampers gameplay. Something to think about for the future.
The map is dedicated to Matt Weirmaa, one of my buddies when I was over in Minnesota who I learned has recently passed away. 

MAP14: "Eldritch Voyage" - my first credits map for a DBP, it's a quick and fun BFG smap (not really my kind of map, and something I rarely make) followed by a short credits sequence. Nothing crazy but it wraps up nicely the wad I think. Every participant has a decoration, chosen randomly except for one. I'll let you guess which one. 

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