Saturday, August 10, 2024

I made more stuff for Quake and Doom

 Yup, it's that time again. I made a few maps for both a Quake and a DOOM community projects:

"The Marshes" for Map-center's RetroJam

And three maps (!) for Doomer Boards Projects 67, Marble Hill. These will probably be my last DOOM maps, so enjoy them while you can. 

As for regular business, still chugging along with my Strife mapset, writing new stuff, more doujinshi on the way (finally!) and mostly just trying to survive this abysmally hot summer.  

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Hardfest 3

So, here it is - Hardfest 3 , a collection of difficult maps from various Doom modders, to which I contributed two maps and a number of MIDI...