Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Self-aggandizing advertisement -2016

You can find my academic profile on Academia.edu. The list of publications is expanding, and there is actually one more that has a lot to do with this blog, scheduled to come out later on - I will talk about it when the time draws nearer. I know recent readers might have noticed I have gotten quite salty over academia in the past few months; with good reason, I think. Still, I'm no entirely abandoning all hope, and I plan to occasionally apply for positions as they show up. I'm simply not going to bother keeping my fingers crossed, 'cause all I got out of that is joint pain.

I also used to write poetry, and had work published in various web and paper outlets - you can find the whole list here, should you be interested. I also have published a novel, but that's a can of worms we'll open some other time - suffice to say, it's no longer available and the publishing house it came out with is not someone I will do business with again. If you really like the obscure, I partecipated in this fun project a few years ago.

Now that the monthly shilling is done, I have a request for you. If you have something meaningful to say on what I post, review or write about - please do say it. I only moderate spam, aside from that all punters are welcome. It's not fun to see those visitor statistics boom overnight, and still feel like I'm talking to myself.

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"Tabemonopool - international edition" by Konno Takashi

       Here it is, another one I meant to purchase for a while, but only got around to recently. It was well worth the wait!      Tabemonopo...