Thursday, August 25, 2016


DAY DREAMING by 虚空旋律記 (Koku Senritsuki) is a work that puts on display a different side of the dōjinshi world, usually so dominated by manga, character design and moe: it's a short collection of 3d CG fantasy landscapes by 3d artist and photographer Senritsuki. While not without its flaws, it's a fairly interesting work that strikes a note with the progressive rock covers / Bryce aficionado in me.

The book is a bit larger than A4, fairly short (only 16 pages) but in full color. From the design point of view, the dōjinshi espouses a clean, minimalist aesthetics that well matches Senritsuki's renders: every illustration is a full two page spread, which allows one to really dig into the textures and details of each piece. The style is, in many ways, a retro throwback: the artist's renders eschew the mimetic, rich in realistic detail style that has come to dominate the genre; instead, these illustrations have as strong points their monumentality and the charm of their textures, the transparent and semi-transparent ones in particular. Even when the subject is not openly abstract - there are a couple of nature renders - the accent is put on composition and color over realism.

As far as subjects, for the most part we are in Myst / seapunk land: airy, abstract landscapes and architectures that are really geared toward displaying Senritsuki's mastery of refractions, reflections and spatial arrangement. Every image would easily make for a very good poster, or at least a screen background.

The only flaw I really found with DAY DREAMING is that it's really, really short: it features only seven renders for a total of 16 pages, images plus a few notes on the creation process and philosophy. As time consuming as making these had to be, I would have liked to see more: to justify the price tag, I personally would have wanted at least two more renders to be included.

DAY DREAMING is part of a series, which in later volumes also includes actual architecture and natural landscapes. Senritsuki also has a nice Pixiv for all who would like to see more from this offbeat dōjinka.

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